Sociala Lidzatbildiba
Society „Sociala Lidzatbildiba” in cooperation with Adult Education centre of Cesis and partner organisation from Switzerland from January till December 2011 is implementing the project „Voluntary work as instrument for social inclusion” within cooperation programme’s grant scheme „NGO fund” between Switzerland and Latvia.
Idea of the project is to promote voluntary work in local level and motivate young people to get involved in it. By active participation 30 young people at age 18 to 25 have an opportunity to make a difference in everydays life of their own and local community; develop important social and life skills in the field of interest, also spend free time in a useful way based on nonformal education’s aproach and methods.
In March international team with proffessionals from Latvia and Switzerland came together to create training programmes, which will be implemented in April and May.
In Training programmes big focus will be paid for young people to raise up awarness of their resources, interests and needs by active participation in the group work. During May volunteers will get to know potential organisations, which have showed an interest to develop voluntary work. There they will learn about places, where they possibly could do voluntary work practise in summer.
In autumn there will be seminars organized to evaluate the experience, also proffessionals and mentors from involved organisations will participate. It will be done with the idea to collect suggestions for development and improvement.
Project activities will finish in November 2011 with Voluntary work Forumi n Cesis.
Voluntary work in the world has many traditions. The most important is that people come together to help and support each other. Benefits from voluntary work gets volunteer as well as society – worlds becomes a better place to be! By volunteering people get knowledge, new skills, new friends, which very often helps to get new or better work opportunities. It is an opportunity for self-development!
Zusammenarbeit unterstützt in diesem Jahr ein Projekt des lettischen NGOs „Sociala lidzatbildiba“. Ziel des Projekts „Voluntary Work as an instrument for social inclusion“ ist es, durch die Entwicklung der Freiwilligenarbeit auf Gemeindebene sozial benachteiligten jungen Menschen eine Möglichkeit zu bieten, ihre sozialen Fähigkeiten zu entwickeln und damit auch ihre Chancen in der Arbeitswelt zu erhöhen. In einer ersten Projektphase wurden im März 2011 im Rahmen eines dreitätigen Workshops zwei Trainingsprogramme für Jugendliche entwickelt, und zwar zu den Themen „Personal Identity“ und „Management of voluntary Work“.
Project coordinator Gunta Grīnhofa
e-mail: g.griinhofa(at)
phone. +37125622668