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The Hub Zürich - An enabling space for social innovation. The place where change goes to work.

17. März 2011

All you ever wanted to know about Social Entrepreneurship and the global Hub movement

Still a bit unsure about what social entrepreneurship really is? Turns out, you aren’t the only one. In fact, most people define the term differently and the scope of what counts as social entrepreneurship is often hotly debated. At this event, we will take a moment to talk a little about what social entrepreneurship means to us and how the Hub movement relates to this. We will learn about the potential impact that social entrepreneurship holds but also take a critical look at the challenges that most social entrepreneurs face and what’s underneath the big hype that everyone’s talking about.

Over the course of the evening, we will also take some time to answer questions about the Hub Zürich and how you can get involved in this growing community of changemakers.

Costs: 10 CHF for Hub members, 15 CHF for guests

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