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Superar und ZwischenRäumen gewinnen das HUB-Mercator Fellowshipprogramm

22. November 2011

We have a winner! Actually we have two: Thanks to the high quality of the applications, Stiftung Mercator Schweiz generously decided to sponsor not only one, but two Hub Fellowships on Children and Youth Empowerment for the initiatives „Superar Schweiz“ and „ZwischenRäumen“.

Fellowship winner Etienne Abelin on Superar: „We aim to make music and dance education accessible to all children and youths, irrespective of their social background, thereby enhancing their future prospects“. Superar is a European movement based on „El Sistema“, originally a Venezuelan initiative, which during the last 30 years has grown to the world’s most celebrated musical social enterprise. Already successfully running in Austria, it will now be replicated for the Swiss educational system by a highly motivated team: Etienne Abelin, Marco Castellini, Marion Höchli, Flavian Hächler.


„ZwischenRäumen – Büro für soziokulturelle Zwischennutzungen“ targets the often negative image of young people, creating positive news as they initiate events and installations in temporarily unused urban spaces. Children and Youths engage according to their age, skills and needs and develop both their organisatorial and artistic potential. „As this process involves a variety of people frequenting these formerly unused urban spaces, “ZwischenRäumen” fosters dialog across cultures and generations“ says Dennis Padel, fellowship winner and initiator of ZwischenRäumen.


In addition, the jury spontaneously decided to award „eRevolution“ (Thomas Reinhard, Gerhard Zaugg) with a special Hub prize to take forward their ambition to change education through the use of games. So, actually, we ended up with three winners. We are very proud of them all and look forward to witnessing and supporting their growth into fully-blown social enterprises. Stay tuned for updates on their progress!

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